Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Ohno! Oh YES!!!

Well, I had no doubt in my mind from the minute I heard he was going to be on Dancing with the Stars. Ok, ok, so maybe not from the minute, but after I saw that he as graceful on the dance floor that he is on the ice . . . well, my heart stopped . . . and started again when my husband bopped me on the head and told me to put my eyes back in my head. I have watched Apolo in the last few Olympics and thought he has been amazing. I think he was robbed at the last Olympics and I get all antsy every time I see him compete hoping that he will get the gold.

It was also obvious that Apolo and Julianne had chemistry and could move well together. Which brings up the rumor that Julianne called off her engagement. Could it be that Apolo has more than skating and dancing talent? Heck, he's got the looks and moves, so why wouldn't Julianne want a taste of that? Not to mention that Julianne is gorgeous and Apolo cuold hardly say no to that. I haven't been a big fan of Dancing with The Stars because the judges drive me absolutely batty (uh, we need a translator over here), and some of the music is just weird that they are forced to dance to. But this year they pulled out two handsome, sexy, "if I weren't married and one of them wasn't married" guys, that I couldn't help myself. Kudos to Billy Ray for conquering his fear and making the most of it. He stated in an interview that he was doing it for his daughter Noah, and I can't think of any better reason.

This competition doesn't hold the weight of the Olympics, and it's purely for entertainment, but I am glad Apolo took home the trophy.

1 comment:

bozoette said...

Me too, even though I don't watch the show. Apolo's yummy!