Monday, May 7, 2007

Crossing the Finish Line

LAst night I was glued to the television waiting for the winner of The Amazing Race to arrive at the end of the race. I was SOOOOO happy when it was Eric and Danielle. Out of the last three teams, they were the only ones who didn't stab anyone in the back or be outright mean to the other teams. Yes, they were pissed off at Oswald and Danny, but they didn't know the real reason they were yielded by them. I thought at one point that they would find out, but if they didn't then it wasn't shown. Chmirna and Mirna, as I call them, (Charla and Mirna) were so mean to people. I understand they are running the race for $1M, but they could have done it and still been nice to people. One of the most annoying thing they did was when Mirna stated that you "have to speak to the locals with an accent so that they understand you". The problem is that she uses the same stupid accent and she sounds like she's talking down to them. I do applaud Charla for taking on the physical demands and coming through it like a trooper, but her cousin needs to learn some serious people skills! My favorite team was David and Mary from Kentucky and I think they deserved to win. My second favorite team was Oswald and Danny. I was upset when they were eliminated. They should have been in the final three along with the blondes and Eric and Danielle.

I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to stay awake for the show last night because of my own "reality" this weekend. I accompanied my daughter to her Girl Scout Camp. We started with the campfire on Friday and ended on Saturday night with the closing ceremony. The theme this year was "Pirates of the Catoctin" (it was held at Catoctin Mountain Park in Thurmont, MD). They had lots of pirate activities, obstacle courses, hikes, etc. and of course we had to walk between all the activities, as well as walking back to the cabin where we were staying from time to time. My body was so glad when it was over and I crashed on the sofa on Saturday night. Thank goodness I was able to catch a nap yesterday afternoon so I could stay awake and watch Eric and Danielle win. My only regret is that I forgot to grab my digital camera, so I have absolutely no pictures of the weekend! I thought I learned my lesson last year when I forgot the camera. Maybe next year I'll remember? Most likely not.

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