Friday, August 24, 2007

Ding Dong The B*tch is Gone

That is what Evel Dick was writing on the door of the round bedroom door and the bathroom door on Big Brother last night after Jen was evicted. Of course we heard the Big Brother voice "Dick, Stop That!" I think it was 3 or 4 times he was told to "Stop That". For writing on the doors and also singing it. It was a unanimous vote of 6-0 (BB gave her a penalty vote for breaking slop restriction and stuffing her face the on Tuesday night after her fight with Dick.

I personally don't totally dislike Jen the way the HGs did. I think she is weird, acts weird, is very narcissistic, and just plain doesn't make sense at times. Did she deserve to be voted out yet...maybe, maybe not. I would have loved to see Amber go first but since Daniele decided to VETO her own nominations and take Amber off the block, I didn't want to see Jameka go just yet. I don't want Amber to win because she will just waste the money, and if Jen won she gave up half of it to a charity (as a result of a veto competition, she agreed that is she won she would give up half to charity). So yes, I wanted Jen to win for that reason. I DON"T want Evel Dick to win because of the way he has spoken to people in the house. And it hasn't just been the women. Some people think it has just been the women, but he has gone off on Eric and Zack as well. I don't care if it was strategy or not, he has no right to be as mean as he was to Amber and Jameka. I personally may not share their beliefs in religion and God, but I am not going to make fun of them, or say nasty things about any of it. On top of that I am not going to judge Amber on being a mother when I have no idea how she really is with her daughter. Yes, she was on drugs, but that doesn't mean she is a terrible mother before or now.

It is getting down to the wire....only 7 left in the house. Amber has said that 7 is her lucky number. Does that mean that now that there are only 7 houseguests left, it is her turn to leave? Let's hope so!!!!

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