Friday, September 7, 2007

BB Fast Forward

Tonight was a double eviction on Big Brother Fast Forward. I knew from reading the updates online from various sites (thank you to those tried and true fans for doing that) that Jessica was going home and that either Eric or Jameka would go if they didn't win the HoH. So Dick won the HoH and nominated Eric and Jameka. Big surprise there. Then Zack won the PoV and didn't use it so that Eric was then evicted. I am going to miss both Jessica and Eric, and I really wanted Jess to win it. So now I have to hope that Zack or Jameka can win it.

I just started watching BBAD (Big Brother After Dark) and it appears that the HoH comp was held already and Zack won! He apparently beat Daniele by 1 point (58 to 59). There were questions about pictures or things in the house or something. Daniele is in the LBR down in the dumps all pissed off that BB didn't give her one more minute to answer the question, something about putting the whole memory wall on her table, and Zack doing something with averaging and getting the answer. Hard to really piece together what the comp was. Daniele has said that she is pissed off because if she doesn't win PoV on Sat then she is going home. Dick is trying to console her telling her that it couldn't be any closer and that he is proud of her. They are now on a lockdown, probably to get the backyard cleaned up from the comps. Jameka is just sitting on the couch in the Living Room with her hand on her face, Zack went into the diary room (wasn't called in) and I haven't seen him out yet.

Boo Hoo Hoo Daniele! You f***ing bitch! You just tossed out Jessica and Eric like stale bread and now you're upset over losing the comp and possibly going home? I am so happy you are so messed up right now over this and will have a terrible next few days, or do the people you sent to sequester feel, huh? Give me a break, I don't have any sympathy for you!!

The only bad part of this is that now she will be moping around the house and treat her dad like shit all while he is trying to console her. I don't know what their relationship is outside the house and what he has done, but so far in the house he has tried to work things out. Of course I can't stand Dick because of the way he has spoken to people in the house. We can never forget his rant on Amber and Jameka in the kitchen while they sat at the table and Jameka called him a bitch. He was totally out of line and should never have spoken to anyone that way. Of course, I don't have a lot of respect for Jameka talking like that when she proclaims herself as a good christian woman. None of the christian women I know would let those words come out of their mouth.

Now Daniele will be going to work out which is weird because for the first 8 weeks she hardly did anything and now she is doing it all the time. It's not like she gained any weight or anything...her body is still perfect. She is in the weight room and BB just told her to put on her microphone. The little bitch talked back and said "I'm not talking". Let's watch and see if they tell her again. She is getting ready to exercise on the treadmill. Here they go again telling her to put it on and once again the little wench said "I'm not talking". And now she is getting on the treadmill WITHOUT putting on her microphone. Meanwhile Dick and Jameka are making sandwiches in the kitchen. And once again BB told Daniele and about the microphone and she gave the same answer while running on the treadmill. So now she gets to make the rules up when she got mad at Jen for not obeying the rules?

I wouldn't want to be Jameka right now living in that house with the Donatos and the possibility of one of them getting the PoV. But Zack will still be able to evict either Dick or Daniele this week for sure. He would be stupid to keep both of them in the house and evict Jameka. I would have loved for some of the others that didn't make it to the Final 4 to make it instead of the Donatos, but out of the ones there now, I want either Jameka or Zack to win it. I don't think they would just squander it away.

I cannot wait for Sunday night, which is why I will be on the computer as much as possible reading all the updates on the live feeds. Once again, thank you to all the die hard fans out there who post those updates! I would never sleep if it wasn't for them!

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