Monday, August 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Daniele!

NOT!!! Today is Daniele's 21st birthday and they are celebrating in the Big Brother House. Well, everyone WANTS to celebrate, but Daniele is being a stick in the mud. She got her HoH room on Thursday night with a girly girly looking letter from Nick laid out for ALL to read (that really surprised me!) and some letters and birthday cards from home. I am not sure if there was one from her boyfriend but ever since she got the cards she has been (for lack of a better word) SUPERBIATCH!! I know she has a strained relationship with her dad, but she was downright mean the last few days to him. She has been moping around the house and hardly talking to anyone...until last night when Jessica sent Eric up to the HoH to talk to Daniele. Well, lordy be, it worked. He was able to make her smile, laugh and bring her out of seclusion to play quarters with the rest of the house. Woo Hoo!

Actually I don't really care that she came out to play quarters because I think she is being a spoiled brat. Yes, she is not sure what she is going home to (in terms of her boyfriend) but she is the one that put herself in that situation carrying on with Nick in the house! Ok, so she was attracted to him, but she had been living with Chris (or is it Kris), and then she sleeps in the same bed with another man and tells him "I want to kiss you so bad" and not expect her life to be F'd up when she gets out of the house? Don't sit and whine when you are the cause of your own demise. We already have Dustin doing that in the sequester house.

So the houseguests (except her father of course) think that she is turning 22. She didn't want anyone to know that she wasn't 21 when she came into the house. I am not caught up on the action in the house and if anything happened after 3am (EDT), but I assume they are doing some kind of party in the house. If I were in the house (or BB) I would not want to celebrate with someone who is being so mopey. Is that a word...mopey? Anyway, I have yet to find out if there is a party and how she was during it.

I have lost a lot of respect for Daniele and how she is acting. Maybe it's because she's 21, maybe it's because I don't remember what it's like to be 21 or maybe she is just a spoiled brat. At this point I don't want her to win BB, and I hope Zach gets it. He is the only one I can see at this point that has not been terrible to anyone, betrayed anyone, put on a front to get his way, and is "playing the game".

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