Friday, June 8, 2007


NOT! Once again on Pirate Master, the crew DID NOT MUTINY. Let me say that again...they did NOT mutiny. You see all these crew members talking about how the captain must go, you have Christian pleading his case against J.D. as the captain, yet not one single person has the balls to get up there and mutiny. Do they really want J.D. to keep getting most of the money and food? Are they just going to sit there and complain but then when they have the power do absolutely nothing about it? It appears that way. And it makes me smack my head in disbelief.

While I was watching the teams compete for the next treasure I started wondering if any of them is smart enough to think "Hey, let's lose this one so that a new captain can be nominated". Of course later on it became apparent that NONE of them is smart at all. I also don't really see them being able to agree on the next capatin. There is a lot of action we don't see, but from what we do see, it is obvious that they are not a happy crew, but they still keep the same captain. The captain that is making them miserable and keeping them from getting money and possibly making it to the end.

I really didn't want to see Christian go, but in the two weeks that Pirate Master has been on, they are getting rid of the strong players... all except for the captain. Soon they won't have any strong players to go into the snake infested pit, climb the trees, tear down the sabotages, or pull the heavy treasure box from its secret hiding place. Louie talks a good game, but after his first black spot he is not going to do anything to create waves or make the capatin give him another black spot.

I'm just so perplexed by the voting on this show so far that there really isn't much more to say except that they are all stupid and scared, for whatever reason.

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